Thing 1 and Thing 2





We love Dr. Seuss…and it was almost natural then that our first choice for a fancy dress/ costume birthday party was based on a Dr. Seuss book (as an aside i must share with you how Sid and Nish were pretend playing at being doctors a couple of days ago…one claimed to be Dr. Seuss while the other chose to be Bela aunty – their pediatrician). Anyway, so we (as in me with consent from the twins) decided it would be cool to go as Thing 1 and Thing 2. The costume aws super simple to put together…took full sleeved red tshirts and red shorts. I cut 2 circles of white foam on which I wrote Thing 1 and Thing 2 in bold black marker. Then i got two blue wigs from a nearby store (my dear old Sahakari Bhandar) – i walked in there to pick up some supplies and saw the blue head gear on a 70 % discount (mumbai indians merchandise). So the wigs were super cheap and the boys can use them later for pretend play and dress up time. That is all it took. The clothes, with the foam piece sewn onto the front of the tshirt, the cool blue wig and red crocs and we were all set. The boys were so excited and amused with their costumes! And so was I. And it was so so simple to put together using stuff that was just lying around at home! I was very tempted to go as the Cat in the Hat but i eventually stuck to wearing a cotton shirt and my jeans!! For their friends who were familiar with the Cat in the Hat it was fun to see the two and their friends’ reactions to them. Image

About myfourboysandme

Mom - a word that defines me... I smell of oats, johnson's and home baked cookies I am pink, purple, green and orange and so is the floor my kids color on. Flour on my clothes and a brush in my pocket, my glasses bent out of shape and smudged with tiny fingerprints. I can't remember the date but i know almost 40 pictures books by heart. I wake up humming 'wheels on the bus'and i talk with my fingers and eyes and mouth. My bag carries band aids, napkins, wipes, crayons, papers, candy and sometimes my wallet. I know all the parks and very few of the restaurants in my neighborhood. Most of my shopping is diapers, books and paints My phd certificate lies in a roll, the frame now contains an abstract work of art by two year olds and i am prouder of that piece of paper. mom - a word that defines me!

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