honest boys


i am raising very honest boys…they give honest opinions, honest answers and viewpoints…however awkward that might be for the rest of us. 

My Sid looked at one of our lift/elevator men and declared confidently as he stared at his bald plate – BALL! 

Today when Nish was playing with his food, Sid looked at him and asked him what he was doing. “Making a mess!” was his very accurate and truthful reply.

“Did you like the fish i made for you?” my mum once asked Nish. NO! was the prompt response. 

No attempt at softening the blow, no need for any subtleties. 

He looked at my tummy today, prodded it and declared “fatty fatty”. Time for tact 101. 

SId recently pointed to a stranger who was smiling at him and asked “kaka daat kuthe gele?” (uncle, where are your teeth?) 

Though sometimes their honesty makes me wince i realize how simple and innocent it is. It is not said to hurt or be mean but simply because it had to be said. 

About myfourboysandme

Mom - a word that defines me... I smell of oats, johnson's and home baked cookies I am pink, purple, green and orange and so is the floor my kids color on. Flour on my clothes and a brush in my pocket, my glasses bent out of shape and smudged with tiny fingerprints. I can't remember the date but i know almost 40 pictures books by heart. I wake up humming 'wheels on the bus'and i talk with my fingers and eyes and mouth. My bag carries band aids, napkins, wipes, crayons, papers, candy and sometimes my wallet. I know all the parks and very few of the restaurants in my neighborhood. Most of my shopping is diapers, books and paints My phd certificate lies in a roll, the frame now contains an abstract work of art by two year olds and i am prouder of that piece of paper. mom - a word that defines me!

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