And more pearls of wisdom


This evening as we were sitting and chatting, i brought up the topic of school. I asked Sid if he would try not to cry tomorrow when i dropped him off. “I have some work to do which i will finish and then I can come and pick you up” I said. “Let me go with you please” he said.

“Sorry baby, that is not an option.”

“OK then i will just stay at home. You take Nish to school and go finish your work. I will wait at home for you”

“What will you do at home? Nish will be riding his bike, playing in the sandpit, painting and singing in class. WHat will you do all alone?”

“I will be fine. I can stay at home and play with my jai jai bappa” (jai jai bappa is sid’s version of God. He loves sitting by the altar and playing with all the silver stuff)

I did not really have a response to that one so i let it drop! 

About myfourboysandme

Mom - a word that defines me... I smell of oats, johnson's and home baked cookies I am pink, purple, green and orange and so is the floor my kids color on. Flour on my clothes and a brush in my pocket, my glasses bent out of shape and smudged with tiny fingerprints. I can't remember the date but i know almost 40 pictures books by heart. I wake up humming 'wheels on the bus'and i talk with my fingers and eyes and mouth. My bag carries band aids, napkins, wipes, crayons, papers, candy and sometimes my wallet. I know all the parks and very few of the restaurants in my neighborhood. Most of my shopping is diapers, books and paints My phd certificate lies in a roll, the frame now contains an abstract work of art by two year olds and i am prouder of that piece of paper. mom - a word that defines me!

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